あとは、いつかのDUNK SHOOTの後ろの方の白黒ページにスタークスがブルズのユニフォームを着用している写真が載っていたのは今でも記憶にある。
さすがDUNK SHOOT!!やっぱり凄いなと感じました。
You can read more about the player’s career on Wikipedia, so I’ll skip it, but here’s why I paid attention to this player’s time with the Bulls…
John Starks was a player for the New York Knicks in his prime, 1990-1998. He would be a mainstay of the ’92 season, which was truly a hotly contested season against his nemesis, the Bulls. In the playoffs, he was fined for rough play and head against Michael Jordan. The most famous one was in ’92-93. The scene is now a powerful dunk from Jordan and Horace Grant in the season playoffs New Yorkers loved his passionate style of play. It was.
1999-2000 season with the Bulls was number 9….
Now that I think about it, it’s pretty rare…
He only played 4 Bulls games and it’s hard to find Starks in his Bulls form even if you look for him on the internet.
I managed to find this article on the English page, but I’ll post it here.
Highlights of the year (?) I also found a glimpse of him in a video like this one, and he was the first draft pick of the year I’ve had a moment with Elton Brand and Tony Kucocci, the Bulls’ second three-time winner. It was a strange feeling to think that I was playing though. Yesterday’s enemy is today’s friend, if you will…
And in this scene, he was clapping for his teammates, which is kind of rare, don’t you think, for those of us who know him from the Knicks’ days when he was fighting with a bare fighting spirit?
Is it just me, or is this feeling just me? lol
Those are the memories. I’ll see you next time!